Black Hawk Region Pathways Increases Support Staff, Developing New Regional Pathways

Black Hawk Region Pathways (BHRP) has hired another full-time Intermediary, Kirk Marske, in the Black Hawk College Intermediary Center to assist students in the pilot work-based learning program. Together with Ms. Todd, he is expanding the opportunities to the Rock Island Milan, Moline-Coal Valley, and United Township school districts. Previously, Mr. Marske administered Career Cruising, a career exploration software that The Moline Foundation supplied to 60 schools.

BHRP is also working on both the education and manufacturing pathways as a region in conjunction with the Quad Cities Youth Apprenticeship Consortium. The Equity Taskforce is reviewing the participation data, with the goal of equity for all, and will work with the Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce on a process to have more businesses sign up to offer work-based learning.

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