After learning about the Postsecondary and Career Expectation (PaCE) Framework and the ISAC Student Portal at their first meeting of school year 2023–24, SAC members came up with creative ways to share the tools with their peers. Learn more:
Anasia Beckham
South Shore International College Prep
Class of 2025
Heaven Holloway
South Shore International College Prep
Class of 2025
Nicole Griffith
Fulton High School
Class of 2024
I shared the presentation with students via email. Additionally, I met with our school guidance counselor to have the PaCE Student Checklist included on our school website under Counselor’s Corner. This Corner of the website provides endless amounts of post-high school planning, amongst other things. I also shared my presentation with a staff member who teaches college and career readiness within our school!
Anthony Kelson
Mendota Township High School
Class of 2025
Samuel Matura
Mendota Township High School
Class of 2025
Shreyas Raini
Barrington High School
Class of 2024
Emily Won
Barrington High School
Class of 2024
We created a presentation to share with the Career & Equity Council (CEC), an advocacy group that Emily founded last year. We created the presentation as a resource and sent it out through CEC as a resource for students to utilize. We’re also going to be meeting with our district’s director of career development to discuss ways to better incorporate the PaCE checklist into students’ academic journeys.
Pragati Shree Sasikumar
Bloomington High School
Class of 2026
My counselor will be introducing the tool during upcoming one-to-one counseling sessions with upperclassmen. They plan to discuss its benefits and applications, potentially incorporating it into various guidance and advisory sessions with the students in the future. Additionally, they may share it through digital means, such as email or online resources, to ensure wider accessibility.
Rowan Smith
Moline High School
Class of 2025