Career Z Challenge Semi-Finalists Have Been Selected & Lake County Is One of Them!
Schools, non-profit organizations, and local educational agencies in urban and rural communities across 35 states submitted entries to the Career Z Challenge. Entrant proposals described their plans to engage collaborative and sustainable work-based learning (WBL) ecosystems to provide students with interconnected and expansive career development opportunities across grades 9–12. During the 2023–24 school year, semi-finalists receive technical assistance to support the refinement and implementation of their proposed WBL ecosystem plan. They also participate in a community of practice and have access to learning workshops, peer collaboration opportunities, and other resources.
Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs FMA Middle School Camp
Two Lake County locations received grants to host middle school manufacturing camps highlighting pathway options for students before entering high school. The hands-on camps included a tour of a manufacturer and a postsecondary institution—early efforts to advance postsecondary attainment!