Highland Region Pathways to Success

Leadership Community

Highland Region Pathways to Success is committed to improving all students’ access to Pathway completion, increasing dual and early postsecondary course participation, promoting postsecondary enrollment, reducing remediation rates, and supporting regional school districts in implementing the PaCE Framework.

HCC’s district encompasses Jo Daviess, Carroll, Stephenson, and parts of Ogle County, serving fifteen local high school districts. ROE 8 supports the school districts within Jo Daviess, Carroll, and Stephenson Counties, serving fourteen local high school districts.

Led By

Highland Community College, ROE 8, and Northwest Illinois Economic Development (NWILED)

Areas of Expertise

  • Regional collaboration
  • Shared commitment to the region
  • Development of Career Pathways
  • Postsecondary partnerships
  • Dual Credit programs

Prioritized Focus Areas

  • Health Sciences and Technology
  • Manufacturing, engineering, technology, and trades
  • Agriculture, food, and natural resources
  • Finance and Business

Key Successes

  • The Room to Grow Project: Northern Illinois University and the Illinois P-20 Network were awarded the United States Department of Education’s four-year Rural Postsecondary Education Grant and are partnering with Highland Community College and ROE 8. The four-year grant aims to increase the number of students from traditionally underrepresented groups in the region who successfully move from high school to community college and, from there, to bachelor’s degree completion.
  • Secured grant to hire a Career Pathways Navigator who will work directly with high school students to identify their Career Pathway and help them successfully navigate from high school to postsecondary education.
  • Transitional math and English course(s) portability approved by ICCB
  • Awarded College and Career Pathway Endorsements to 16 students in 2024:
    • West Carroll CUSD 314: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (9 students)
    • Galena USD 120: Health Sciences and Technology (2 students) and Human and Public Services (2 students)
    • Stockton CUSD 206: Health Sciences and Technology (1 student)
    • Warren CUSD 205: Human and Public Services (1 student)
    • River Ridge CUSD 210 – Human and Public Services (1 student)

2-Year Goals

  • Highland Community College’s Navigator will work directly with high school students to help them navigate their educational journey, beginning with career pathway identification.
  • The ROE will assist districts in completing and implementing their PaCE Framework and College and Career Pathway Endorsements. Assistance will include training, collaboration in developing career exploration activities, and additional items at the district’s request.
  • Local manufacturers will offer Manufacturing Day for high school students across the region through tours and presentations. The number of companies participating in the presentation portion of the event will increase by 10%.
  • Local healthcare organizations will offer intensive learning experiences for aspiring nursing and allied health workers. Hosting a collaborative event to highlight HCC’s Mobile Medical Unity will be piloted in Spring 2025 with the goal of two events per semester in the 2025-2026 academic year.
  • Continue to partner with employers to provide job shadow experiences, guest speakers in the classroom, and career fairs. Out of the 154 students enrolled in First-Year Experience (FYES), 69 students participated in the Mentor Panel activity, where guest speakers from the community come and speak about leadership and professional development. For the next two years, Career Services would like to increase that number by 5%.

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