Lessons Learned from Learning Renewal Efforts: Webinar

What have we learned from the learning renewal efforts? How can we make plans for sustainability? On October 19, 2023, three Success Network Leadership Communities spoke to lessons learned in implementing learning renewal efforts. Peoria Public Schools shared their engagement with the Illinois Tutoring Initiative, a program developed with higher education institutions. East St. Louis School District 189 and Buffalo Grove High School discussed their credit recovery efforts.


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2025 Conference

Our 12th annual conference is coming to Champaign, Illinois! Please mark your calendars today and plan to join us on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at the I-Hotel and Illinois Convention Center.

The AI-Ready Workforce 

Join us for a free webinar on April 29, 1–2:15 p.m. to learn new insights into the ways in which AI will transform jobs that offer pathways to economic advancement – and actionable recommendations for the skills that will be augmented and elevated by AI.