MEAC Leads Successful Internships, Launches Career Pathways Programs

MEAC Leads Successful Internships

The Mayor’s Employer Advisory Council completed the paid, 12-week iKit Summer Internship Program in early September 2021. Sixteen graduating seniors from Evanston Township High School (ETHS) were placed with fifteen persisting and five ultimately being hired by their host employer. There were thirty-eight internship opportunities available but limited funding and difficulty reaching students due to the pandemic created challenges. MEAC is grateful to employers, the City of Evanston, and Youth Jobs Center for their support.

Career Pathways Programs Launch

MEAC has launched two career pipeline programs for ETHS juniors, seniors, and graduates. A team from NorthShore Health Systems is working with ETHS, the Evanston Work Ethic Program (internships for rising seniors), MEAC, and Oakton Community College to create a program that will lead leading to full-time employment upon graduation from ETHS. In addition, a 19-week after-school training program to prepare juniors and seniors for careers in the trades will kick off in mid-December. The program was developed in partnership with Evanston Rebuilding Warehouse, which will conduct the training.

Career Pathways Panels Continue

The one-hour ETHS/MEAC Career Pathway panels continue. Four employers and a representative from Oakton Community College in the subject career pathway form each panel. This year, the panels are being recorded and posted on the ETHS YouTube channel so that as many parents, teachers and students as possible can see them and they’re available to the public on the ETHS channel.

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