MORE Communities Focus on High School Endorsements, Robotics

In the MORE communities, representatives from area employers, higher education, and K-12 schools are meeting and creating a model/template for high school endorsements in agriculture, manufacturing, and education. The education work recently brought together leaders from Western Illinois University (WIU), Northern Illinois University (NIU), Sauk Valley Community College, Whiteside Area Career Center, and area school district to meet and discuss how K-12, Sauk, WIU, and NIU can support students who choose to enter the education field.

The MORE communities have also been planning a Robotics Team Challenge. Area manufacturers, schools, Morrison Institute of Technology, and Sauk Valley Community College are beginning to plan an area robotics competition in the Sauk Valley Region. The goal of the competition is to provide an avenue to bring together employers, higher education, and students for a day of learning, engagement, and competitions. The MORE team believes that employers can gain valuable access to potential employees and that post-secondary institutions can market their programs of study to students and provide the students with a competition that engages their interests.

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