A lot has been happening in the MORE region including expansion of the multicraft internship program (MEIP), and STEM/Robotics activities.
The MEIP program now has 15-member companies willing to take on students as interns. Additionally, through a state grant, Sauk Valley Community College will work with area manufacturers to offer 12 paid internships for students who attended the Whiteside Area Career Center (WACC) immediately upon starting the Multicraft Technology program.
STEM/Robotics Activities
The MORE team is helping promote regional summer STEM camps at Morrison Tech and Sauk Valley Community College. Both institutions will be hosting separate activities focused on STEM and STEAM learning activities. The location of the two schools will provide access for students on both sides of the county. Area partners may be asked to help offset expenses through scholarships. Partner schools will be asked to consider providing transportation to and from the camps. STEM and STEAM activities are a great way to promote student learning and partner with area institutes of higher learning. The MORE region has a small number of high schools and middle schools with robotics’ teams. MORE is working with ROE 47, Sauk Valley CC, Morrison Tech, and area schools to build capacity within the schools to create and expand robotics in the classroom and after school. The MORE community would also like to host a robotics demonstration and or competition in the near future.
Further, MORE will host a Career Cruising/Xello informational meeting on Thursday, April 4th at Sauk Valley Community College. With the recent migration to Xello, what used to be known as Career Cruising is changing. This meeting will be an opportunity for employers, representatives from area schools, and higher education institutions to learn about the transition from Xello staff.
Additionally, area manufacturers and the Sauk Valley Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the second annual Manufacturing dinner on Thursday, May 2nd at Sauk Valley Community College. A similar event was well received last year and brought employers, educators, government officials, and other community leaders together for an informational and networking opportunity.