Golden Corridor Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (GCAMP) and Acme Industries partnered to bring real-world experiences to a Rolling Meadows High School manufacturing class. This virtual project allowed students to venture inside the inner workings of what it’s like to manufacture parts, from receiving the quote to the actual product completion. “The quote to production sessions have ignited the curiosity of the students and opened their eyes to the various career paths in the manufacturing industry. From manufacturing management to machining, the sessions also brought our classroom curriculum to life with real-world application,” said Anthony Genovese a teacher at Rolling Meadows High School. Over eight weeks, the students participated live with company employees to work through unexpected challenges until the job was complete. Students were able to see the different roles within a company that collaborate on projects over time. “I really enjoyed having the ability to see how manufacturing happens in a real company. As students, we may be told some experiences, but never get the chance to see the process up close and personal, said Nicole, a Rolling Meadows High School student.
The series was recorded and is available on the GCAMP website. The experience was positive for both the students and the industry partner, “We have been very pleased with the process of bringing the manufacturing plant to them so they could see all that is involved from quoting, to machining to assembly” said Robert Clifford, Vice President, Sales & Marketing. GCAMP is currently working to bring other companies to the table to partner with other schools to scale this real-world learning experience throughout the NECSS region.
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