NECSS Prepares to Use Data Dashboard to Reduce Gaps, Receives Transitional English Course Approval

NECSS Prepares to Use Data Dashboard to Reduce Gaps

Through the information collected on the NECSS Student Data Dashboard, the Equity for All taskforce seeks to analyze and identify achievement gaps that special populations (Individuals with disabilities, low-income, Gender/non-traditional, English Learners, race/ethnicity) students have compared to the majority. Strategies and best practices for reducing gaps will be shared and implemented. Gaps analysis will be performed to identify achievement disparities relative to the following success indicators:

  • College and Career Readiness
  • Postsecondary credit attainment while in high school
  • College attendance or military service within 2 years of graduation
  • Postsecondary degree/certificate attainment within 6 years of graduation

The partnership will identify common gaps and develop strategies to close the gaps. The taskforce is currently organizing the data for review and discussing the best way to display the data for ease of manipulation and comparison.

Transitional English Course Approved for NECSS School Districts

Township High School Districts 211 and 214, and Barrington School District 220 received full approval for their Transitional English course from the portability panel, and the course is being implemented this school year.

A Transitional English course is approved if it meets the statewide portability criteria and adheres to the Statewide Transitional English Course Parameters, Competencies, and Policies. A student who successfully completes the course with a C or better will receive guaranteed placement at any Illinois community college into the appropriate outcome course(s) upon successful completion of the course. 

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