River Bend CUSD #2 is partnering with Veregy, which works on energy efficiency solutions, solar, and smart building technology, to provide a 10-week construction management internship. Veregy provides construction management and performance contracting services to school districts across the country and in Illinois. Veregy and River Bend will provide a paid internship for two high school juniors for ten weeks during the summer. River Bend is working with Veregy to construct four additional classrooms for an existing building. The students will be exposed to all aspects of managing a construction process and working with a variety of union trades. Students will be on-site for four hours each day as they work with the project manager. To be considered for the opportunity, students had to apply, go through an interview, and commit ten weeks to the summer project.
In the fall of 2024, Barrington 220 launched its innovative Kindergarten Lab Program, or K-Lab, at Barrington High School (BHS). As the first program of its...