McLean County Embarks on Strategic Planning to Support 60 by 25 Goal

The McLean County Leadership Community effort is utilizing existing structures to promote the 60 by 25 goal, while embarking on a comprehensive strategic planning process that will help it to streamline and leverage its education to careers efforts more effectively.

  • Under the auspices of the BN Advantage Workforce Development Task Force,, all participating entities have developed draft logic models outlining resources, activities, products, and outcomes related to joint goals, including the 60 by 25 goal. These models will be analyzed to identify areas for potential collaboration, leveraging of resources, and joint execution.
  • Pathways development is underway in the designated career clusters. This work is being done through the BN Advantage Curriculum Committee, chaired by Kathy Nicholson-Tosh, formerly a long-time education-to-careers specialist at the Illinois State Board of Education.  The team consists of education and employer representatives across the county. In addition, the Committee is undertaking work to establish employment skills components that can be embedded in P-12 and higher education.
  •  The BN Advantage Employer Engagement Committee has completed a county-wide employer survey to identify needed skills in specific career clusters and related industries. The survey data will be used to inform strategic planning.
  • The McLean County Chamber of Commerce has posted a full-time position for a Workforce Development Manager, who will oversee the execution of the strategic plan, develop networking relationships, monitor progress, and seek sustainable resources to support the plan’s activities and goals.
  • Participating entities are exploring methods to acquire and manage the INSPIRE platform for student/employer engagement and career exploration. McLean County will host INSPIRE platform training for multiple sites this summer.

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