727 Students from Leadership Communities Receive College and Career Pathway Endorsements
Congratulations to all the school districts who awarded College and Career Pathway Endorsements to 1,072 students in the Class of 2023. We’re thrilled to share
Congratulations to all the school districts who awarded College and Career Pathway Endorsements to 1,072 students in the Class of 2023. We’re thrilled to share
The McLean Compact brought on two AmeriCorps VISTA members in June, launched a new website at mcleancocompact.org and conducted the Becoming BN program virtually in July.
To support communities during COVID-19, the McLean Chamber of Commerce, which serves as the backbone organization for the McLean County Leadership Community, has developed a new, jointly-sponsored website with resources for community access.
2019 was a busy year in McLean County. They piloted Becoming BN, developed the Education to Employer Summit, launched the Essential Workplace Skills in partnership, and continued work with the College and Career Pathways Endorsements.
With grant funding assistance from EdSystems, committees are working to complete education and training pathways and stackable credentials in identified industry clusters.
Over the last several months the McLean County Compact action teams have developed a logic model that outlines resources, activities, products and outcomes related to joint goals, including the 60 by 25 goal.
The McLean County 60 by 25 Network leadership team has taken a big step to strengthen their efforts toward the 60 by 25 goal.
Fifteen collaborative entities are now formally involved in strategic planning regarding the 60 by 25 goal in McLean County.
In McLean County, over a dozen education, employer, and community entities adopted the 60 by 25 goal and have made it part of their strategic planning toward workforce development.
The McLean County Leadership Community effort is utilizing existing structures to promote the 60 by 25 goal, while embarking on a comprehensive strategic planning process that will help it to streamline and leverage its education to careers efforts more effectively.