Data Deep Dive: January 23, 2025
At the Success Network Policy Committee’s annual data deep dive on January 23, 2025, we explored a range of college and career readiness and success metrics from Illinois data resources and beyond.
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At the Success Network Policy Committee’s annual data deep dive on January 23, 2025, we explored a range of college and career readiness and success metrics from Illinois data resources and beyond.
The Policy Committee meeting on December 11, 2024, included presentations on labor market information for use in college and career pathways, Illinois Report Card data, and career exploration for middle school students.
On October 8, 2024, a panel of experienced transfer specialists presented best practices for institutional partnerships, promoting transfer, and supporting transfer student success.
The Q3 Policy Committee meeting included presentations on the updated State of Illinois Model Programs of Study Guides, the first virtual course for transitional math, and key policy updates.
The Policy Committee Meeting on June 4, 2024, included presentations on college and career pathways, work-based learning transportation, and policy and legislative updates.
Our 12th annual conference is coming to Champaign, Illinois! Please mark your calendars today and plan to join us on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at the I-Hotel and Illinois Convention Center.
The Policy Committee Meeting on March 20, 2024, included a walkthrough of the Success Network Dashboard’s new early college view and updated functionalities, the proposed budget, and emerging legislation.
On April 29, 2024, the Success Network hosted a webinar on new insights into the ways in which AI will transform jobs that offer pathways to economic advancement – and actionable recommendations for the skills that will be augmented and elevated by AI. Watch the recording.
On April 23, 2024, theSuccess Network hosted a webinar on how stakeholder engagement and continuous improvement can strengthen postsecondary success and impact the broader school community and culture. Watch the recording.
On March 19, 2024, Genesys Works and Junior Achievement of Central Illinois, along with their high school partners, shared how they collaborate to design and implement inclusive and equitable experiences for students.
The 2024 Data Deep Dive reviewed secondary measures and postsecondary transition data from the updated Illinois Report Card.
The 2023 Q4 convening included data highlights, key policy updates, and a look forward to 2024.
Our 11th annual conference was hosted on February 29, 2014. View the session resources.
How can we recruit underrepresented students into pathways leading to high-quality careers? What supports do these students need to feel welcome and be successful in the classroom and the workplace? Hear from three communities on their innovative approaches.
What have we learned from the learning renewal efforts? How are we planning for sustainability? On October 19, 2023, three Success Network Leadership Communities shared lessons learned in implementing learning renewal efforts.
At the 2023 Q3 convening, Evanston and River Bend shared their work to implement the PaCE framework, and the committee reviewed the new Career Pathways Dictionary, and discussed dual credit updates.
The 2023 Q2 convening included Vermillion County presenting on dual credit partnerships and an introduction to the new Success Network Dashboard.
On April 24, 2023, OneGoal and its partner school districts shared how they’re improving students’ postsecondary readiness and eliminating equity gaps by increasing college and career opportunities for all graduates.
On April 17, 2023, leaders from the Sauk Valley region shared how the six-session Certificate of Employability Workshop is leveraging local employers to support career exploration.
This webinar from April 10, 2023, shares findings from an opinion poll research project about learner perceptions of the value of education in the United States, from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The 2023 Q1 convening discussed emerging legislation and promising work.
The 2023 Data Deep Dive reviewed secondary measures and postsecondary transition data.
At the first meeting of the Success Network Policy Committee, topics included Illinois Report Card data, key policy changes from 2022, and a discussion of policy priorities and promising local practices.
ACCELERATING EQUITABLE SUCCESS Celebrating our tenth anniversary to advance equitable postsecondary attainment across Illinois. The 2023 conference of the Illinois Education and Career Success Network
The 2022 Illinois 60 by 25 Network Annual Conference on February 28 to March 3 will be virtual and free to attend.
In this webinar, recorded on September 28, 2021, the Illinois 60 by 25 Network Organizers and our partners discuss strategies to engage adult learners to increase postsecondary attainment equity in Illinois.
We have re-imagined the annual Illinois 60 by 25 Network Conference for 2021. We will bring the high-quality conference content you have counted on since 2014 over four days: February 22–25, 2021.
Representatives from East St. Louis School District 189 and Township High School District 214 in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago shared how they have implemented trauma-informed practices in their districts in partnership with the Illinois Federation of Teachers and community partners.
Since the Network’s inception, a core tenet has been to focus on opportunities for learning and sharing across communities, which includes our annual conference. “The
The 2019 conference featured many dynamic speakers from Illinois and across the country. Our engaging keynote speakers, Vela Institute, provided an interactive session on how
Equity, innovation and scaling impact emphasized at 5th Annual Conference Jocelyn Sharif has been interested in cooking since she was a young child watching the
Thank you to the presenters, attendees, sponsors, and staff! Conference Materials 60 by 25 – The State We’re InGinger Ostro, Executive Director, Advance Illinois Opportunity –
Thank you to the presenters, attendees, sponsors, and staff! Conference Materials Education is Everyone’s Business: Engaging Business to Build a Community Learning SystemJack Hess, Institute